About the association

Östergötland's Working Horse Club was formed in January 1979 at Åtvidaberg's Stadshotell. We cooperate with the Breeding Association for the Swedish Ardenner Horse, the North Swedish Horse Association and the Swedish Fjord Horse Association. Also cooperates with other races. We undertake various driving assignments and organize sleigh and carriage excursions, film and lecture evenings, forest and agricultural days, horse riding activities as well as various courses and circles.

Östergötland's working horse club cooperates with:

Nordsvenska hästen i Östergötland Kontakt: Kåre Gustavsson 0122-504 63

Östergötlands fjordhästförening Kontakt: Linda Åhlén Mobil: 072-18120 36 

Östergötlands ardennerklubb Kontakt: Anna Lundberg mobil 070-82204 93